Freedom Programme
A domestic violence programme which was created by Pat Craven and evolved from her work with perpetrators of domestic violence. The Programme primarily designed for women as victims of domestic violence, since research shows that in the vast majority of cases of serious abuse are male on female.
What does a meeting look like?
Each week we look at different types of abuser profiles i.e. the bully, jailer. Within that we look at beliefs of men and women and how this impacts us, as well as the different tactics that are used. There is opportunity to share thoughts and experiences within the group, if comfortable. Lots of people find that they learn a lot about their experiences through discussion. It is empowering for our service users to have the knowledge and understanding that will help them navigate relationships in the future.
Each person is encouraged to participate in the group, but never forced. It can be helpful to hear others’ stories, and questions, this helps us feel less alone.
Weekly meetings lasting 11 weeks
The program is 11 weeks long and a certificate of attendance can be given if needed.
We meet every Wednesday morning online 10:00am – 11:30am in Brandon, British TERM TIME, ONLY. All welcome – an open group.
To find out more about the programme please visit
Join the freedom programme
If you think the freedom programme is for you, or you know someone who would benefit from it please complete a referral form, or get in touch if you have any questions.